Prices at Perry & Perry’s Store, Elk City , Idaho ,1929

 Submitted By the late Bill Salmon - Elk City Idaho

Allspice                       $0.25

Apples                           $0.40 / lb

Asparagus                   $0.20 / lb

Axe Handle                 $0.60

Bacon                            $0.40 / lb

Baking Powder         $0.35 / can

Baking Soda               $0.10

Bananas                        $0.60 / lb

Batteries, Dry           $0.15

Beans, Navy                $0.15 / lb

Beans, Red                   $0.10 / lb

Bed Springs                $10.50

Beef                                $0.25 / lb

Blanket                        $3.00 - $9.00

Blasting Caps           $2.25 / box

Bologna                        $0.30 / lb

Bon-Ami                          $0.15

Borax                             $0.25 / box

Bread                             $0.25 / two loaves

Broom                            $1.40

Butter                           $0.65 / lb

Cabbage                       $0.15

Candles                       $0.40 / doz

Canvas                          $1.00 / yard

Carbide                         $0.14 / lb

Carrots                       $0.05 / lb

Catsup                          $0.40

Celery                           $0.25 / bunch

Cheese                          $0.40 / lb

Cigarettes                  $0.15 / pack

Cigars                           $0.10

Cinnamon                     $0.25

Clams                            $0.25 / can

Cloves                          $0.25

Cocoa                           $0.25 / can

Cocoanut                    $0.15

Coffee                          $0.59 / lb

Comforter                  $1.00 - $3.50

Corn                              $0.20 / ear

Corn Flakes              $0.25 / two lbs.

Crackers                     $0.40 / box

Cranberries               $0.30 / quart

Eggs                               $0.50 / dozen

Envelopes                   $0.10 / pack

Fels-Naptha                $0.10 / bar

File, Metal                  $0.35

Flapjack mix               $0.40

Flour                             $2.75 / 40 lbs

Fuse                                $1.25 / 100 ft.

Gasoline                      $0.40 - $0.50 / gallon

Gloves                          $0.30

Gold Dust                   $0.40

Graham Cracks        $0.35 / box

Grapenuts                   $0.25 / box

Grapes                          $0.15 / pound

Ham                                 $0.40 / lb

Handkerchief            $0.35

Jello                              $0.15

Karo Syrup                 $0.65 / can

Kerosene                     $0.70 / gallon

Lamp Globe                 $0.40

Lamp Mantle              $0.25

Lamp Oil, Refined     $2.00 / gal

Lamp Wick                    $0.10

Lard                                $0.50

Lemons                          $0.80 / lb

Lemons                          $0.80 / lb

Lettuce                         $0.15

LifeBuoy Soap           $0.10 / bar

Lye                                   $0.15 / can

Marmalade                  $0.45

Matches                       $0.40 / Hundred

Mattress                     $7.05

Mayonnaise                 $0.30

Milk                                 $0.14 / Qt

Mozola Oil                 $0.40 / pint

Mustard                       $0.25

Nails                               $0.08 / lb

Needles                        $0.15 / pack

Nutmeg                          $0.25

Oats                               $2.50 / sack

Oil                                   $0.40 / quart

Olive Oil                      $0.75

Onions                          $0.05 / lb

Oranges                        $0.80 / lb

Oysters                        $0.50 / can

Pail                                 $0.50

Peaches                        $0.40 / lb

Peanut Butter           $0.65 / 2 lbs

Pears                             $0.40 / lb

Peas, Dried                  $2.15 / sack

Pencil                            $0.05

Pepper                           $0.25 / can

Pick                                 $1.25

Pillow                           $1.25

Pimmento                      $0.15 / can

Pork                               $0.25 / lb

Potatoes                     $2.50 / 50 lbs.

Prunes                          $0.35 / lb

Pumpkin                         $0.25

Raisins                           $0.15 / lb

Raspberries                $0.40 / qt

Red Pepper                 $0.25

Rice                                 $0.10 / lb

Rolled Oats              $0.75 / sack

Rope                               $0.35 / lb

Rubbers                        $7.00 / pr

Rutabagas                   $0.05

Salmon, Smoked       $0.30 / lb

Salt                                $0.10 / sack

Sandpaper                   $0.05 / sheet

Sardines                       $0.20 / can

Sauerkraut                 $0.25 / jar

Sausage                        $0.35 / lb

Shirt                               $2.00

Shoes                            $5.50

Shrimp                           $0.25 / can

Shovel                          $2.25

Snuff                             $0.10 / can

Soap                               $0.05 / bar

Socks                            $0.75 - $0.85 / pr

Soup                               $0.15

Stationery                  $1.00 / box

Steak                             $0.35 / lb

Stove pipe                   $0.35 / section

Sugar                             $0.10 / lb

Talcum Pwdr              $0.35

Tea                                  $0.55 / half-lb

Tea Kettle                   $1.75

Thread, Sewing         $0.07

Thread, waxed           $0.15

Tomatoes                     $0.20 / ea

Turpentine                  $0.25

Vanilla Extract        $0.75

Vinegar                         $0.75 / gallon

Walnuts                       $0.40 / lb

Wheat                            $2.50 / sack

Wheat Flakes            $0.50 / box

Writing Pad                $0.10 - $0.35

Yeast                              $0.10 / cake



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