The following is a listing of persons
that we know died in Idaho County, but have not been able to find their
burial location. If you have information as to where they are
buried, please contact
me. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Name |
Birth Date |
Death |
Data Source |
Notes |
Benedict, Sam |
Jun 1877 |
From "Indian Braves
and Battles with more Nez Perce Lore" by N.B. Adkison, ICFP, 1967 |
He was killed by the Indians in War of 1877. His burial site
is not otherwise found in Idaho county cemetery database. |
Bertard, Peter |
Jun-Jul 1877 |
From "Indian Braves
and Battles with more Nez Perce Lore" by N.B. Adkison, ICFP, 1967 |
James Baker, George
Woodward and Peter Bertard were all killed by the Indians at the same
time. |
Blewett, Charles |
Jul 1877 |
From "Indian Braves
and Battles with more Nez Perce Lore" by N.B. Adkison, ICFP, 1967 |
A civilian scout buried
at Cottonwood house |
Bu, Ah |
Nov 1879 |
1880 Mortality Schedule |
He was hanged in
November, age 35, miner, resident of Idaho county five years. |
Burrese, Albert Odel |
'2 Apr 1989' |
Obit newspaper? |
cremation - no place of burial given |
Campbell, Bill |
1900-02? |
p.163 River of No Return,
Carrey/Conley |
A likeable Scotsman who
disappeared the winter after the "Three Blaze Trail" was built
from Grangeville to Buffalo. |
Dawson, P. |
ca. 1829 |
Mar 1879 |
1880 Mortality Schedule |
Killed by Indians in
March, age 50, male, white, single, born Alabama, miner, resided Idaho
county10 years |
Evans, (no first) |
7 Jul 1877 |
From "Indian Braves
and Battles with more Nez Perce Lore" by N.B. Adkison, ICFP, 1967 |
Source says he was buried
near Cottonwood and the grave of Capt. Randall... |
Farre, German |
Dec 1879 |
1880 Mortality Sched. |
Age 48, male, white,
single, wood chopper, born in France, died from pleural pneumonia,
resided in county 10 years (Recording physician was
J.O.M. Ford) |
Fenn, infant |
Aug 1879 |
1880 Mortality Sched. |
Infant, age 1 day, male
born Idaho, father born CA, mother born, OR, premature birth, Dr. J.B.
Morris (is this baby the son of Frank & Florence Fenn?) |
Fleming, Fred 'Sorty' |
p.228-229, River of No
Return, Carrey/Conley |
He built a cabin 150
yards up T-Bone Creek. He inherited some money and went on a binge with
his partner Slim Forrester. He bought a car, spent his money fast and
died in the summer after the "blowout was over." |
Fletcher, Allie M. |
Jan 1880 |
1880 Mortality Sched. |
Age 1 day, female,
premature birth, both parents William and Mary born in England,
(reporting physician, J.B. Morris, M.D.) |
Harmony?, Thomas |
Sep 1879 |
1880 Mortality Schedule |
Age 18 years, born KS -
Drowning - father born KY, mother born PA |
Hay, Toc |
Jun 1879 |
1880 Mortality Schedule |
Age 30, Chinese, married,
died from inflammation stomach, resided in Idaho county 4 years.
(reporting was Lee Foo, M.D. - his bones probably returned to China with
one of the collections) |
Hollyhan, (no first) |
Nov 1880 |
1880 Mortality Schedule |
Age 63, white, married,
laborer, J.B. Morris, M.D." (Note: Holohan? and may be related to
Michael below?) |
Holohan, Michael |
Jan 1880 |
1880 Mortality Schedule |
Stonemason, age 46, died
in January from pneumonia contracted in Boise. Born in Ireland - Died in
17th Dist. (probable wife Mary and children were in 1880 census) |
Howser, D.H. |
Jul 1877 |
From "Indian Braves
and Battles with more Nez Perce Lore" by N.B. Adkison, ICFP, 1967 |
He died of wounds
received 5 Jul 1877 trying to help the soldiers... |
Jones, D.M. |
Mar 1880 |
1880 Mortality Schedule |
Age 54, married, farmer,
died from heart disease. |
Kelley, Mary E. |
Feb 1880 |
1880 Mortality Schedule |
Age 2 years -
inflammation stomach - from Holyoke MA, mother born in Ireland |
Kerr, James Mason |
'14 Feb 1889' |
'4 May 1930' |
p.250, River of No
Return, Carrey/Conley - also State Record no.071258 |
Murdered in the barn by a
drunken ranch hand. He could be buried in Riggins but there is no
record. Death record names him James 'Orson' Kerr. Dates are from Idaho
Death Index.) |
Swanson 'Swen' |
Jul? 1901 |
Idaho County
"NEWS" 1886-1903, Anglen - also River of No Return, p.238 |
An ornery cuss that had
whipped his neighbors and was ambushed and shot to death on the trail to
Florence. |
Linn, Gim |
1879-80 |
Mortality Schedule |
Drowning, Chinese, age
37, miner, resident of the county for 3 years, parents live in Hong
Kong. |
Robert? E. 'Artie' |
Idaho County
"NEWS" 1886-1903, Anglen |
Died from accidental
discharge of a gun. |
Mahurin, Beatrice |
Bef 1908 |
p.243, Idaho County
Voices |
Infant of Stephen &
Mary (Bender) Mahurin |
Bobbie J. Tomlin |
15 Jan 1989 |
ICFP obit |
buried 21 Jan 1989
unknown site |
McDonald, Alec |
Mar 1913 |
River & Prairie NEWS
1904-1913, by Anglen |
Alec McDonald left his
cabin near Warren to go to Frank Jordan's, some 16 miles distant. A
storm and bitter cold came up and he never arrived at Jordan's. A search
was made, but he was never found. |
McKinley, William |
Feb 1879 |
1880 Mortality Schedule |
Age 1 year, died from
diarrhea, father born in Idaho, mother born in Kentucky. (Possible son
of Alex & Nellie Holohan McKinlay?) |
McQuade, Charles |
1897 |
p.156, Idaho County
Voices |
He owned a store in
Whitebird, died in 1897, but may not have died there. He is not in our
local cemetery database. |
Peasley, infant |
Feb 1880 |
1880 Mortality Schedule |
Male infant, age 1 day,
father born in Maine, Mother born in Ohio, died from convulsions (some
Peasley(s) lived in the Cottonwood area) |
Peasley, Maud |
Oct 1879 |
1880 Mortality Schedule |
Age 4 months,
inflammation of the brain, father born Maine, Mother born in Ohio (Note:
There is a Peasley street in Cottonwood, possibly named for Josiah
Peasley) |
Powers, Thomas |
Jul 1879 |
1880 Mortality Schedule |
Age about 30, born Maine,
horse breaker, died from enlarged liver resided in Idaho county 1 year.
J.B.Morris, M.D. |
Robinson, Benjamin |
at birth |
p.261, Idaho County
Voices |
Source says he was the
son of Statira and James Robinson |
Stone, John |
Feb 1870 |
1870 Mortality Schedule |
Age 45, miner, died in
Feb from venereal disease. Born in Illinois |
Pearl & Earl |
p.285, Idaho County
Voices |
Twin children of Charles
& Myrtle (Wyatt) Thompson, said to be buried in Cottonwood cem?
(Note: not on Cottonwood cemetery maps) |
Ilsa Magdalena |
c.1890? |
p.288, Idaho County
Voices |
She died in the year that
their home burned |
VonBerge, John Frederick |
23 Jul 1801 |
24 Apr 1891 |
Idaho County
"NEWS" 1886-1903, Anglen |
He died at the home of
his son, William, in Grangeville, burial place not given (he is not in
Idaho co. cemetery database) |
Theodore |
Jun 1886 |
Idaho County
"NEWS" 1886-1903, Anglen |
First ordered hanging at
the courthouse in Idaho county |
Yut, Ah |
Nov 1879 |
1880 Mortality Schedule |
He was hanged in
November, age 38, male, Chinese, married, resident of county for 5
years. |
Page added Feb. 9, 2012