Idaho County Free Press - December 26, 1886

Married - A few friends and relatives assembled at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Yates on Sunday last to witness the marriage of their daughter Frances Olive Yates, to Sidney Brainard Brown.  The bride was elegantly attired in a costume of white swiss, trimmed with cream colored lace and long loops of white satin pendant from the waist and draped gracefully across her shoulders.  A large spray of forget-me-nots adorned her throat, and the coiffure was similarly wreathed.  Miss Lillie Brown as bridesmaid was attired in a costume of cream-colored albatross trimmed with red satin.  The groom was supported by Mr. Douglas Holton, and the ceremony was performed by Judge Harris.  A sumptuous supper was served and a pleasant hour spent in wishing the happy couple a pathway three life amid sunshine and flowers and that their voyage down the stream of time may be a sweet and happy one.  





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