COTTONWOOD CHRONICLE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1928 *This is not an obituary, but as soon as I come across the obit I will add it. GRANT MATLOCK FUNDS Boise, Dec. 27th In spite of the fact that he lost his life when he played while at work, John Matlock, of Kamiah, came to his death while occupied on his job and his widow and children are entitled to state compensation, the industrial accident board ruled today. The board awarded Anita Matlock $12 a week for more than 14 years while her youngest childe, now 4, grows up. According to the records, Matlock was trotting playfully ahead of a truck loaded with signs which were to be distributed to service stations belonging to the Kamiah Gas and Oil company when he slipped and fell on an icy road and was crushed to death by the truck.