1901 Mt. Stuart
& Kooskia |
Kooskia Ice Jam |
Kooskia Flood 1948 |
Flood 1948 |
at Kooskia - Abt. 1911 |
Road between Kamiah
and Kooskia Abt 1910 |
Clearwater River at
Kooskia Abt. 1914 |
Pack Train at
Kooskia Abt. 1920 |
Birds Eye View of
Kooskia Abt. 1912 |
Kooskia Fair - Rodeo |
Kamiah - Western
Hardware - Abt. 1912 |
Kamiah Street Scene |
Kamiah - Early 1900's |
New Bridge - Kamiah -
1912 |
Flying R Hotel -
Clearwater IOOF Hall
Baseball Team
Johnny Clarke is identified on the bottom left. If
you can help identify any others, please contact me. This photo was in a box
that was received from the estate of Eloise Gunter. Her mother was Opal
Farris, who was married to Eldon Gunter.
at Clearwater (Reed Family)
William Reed, Branding cows at his Clearwater Ranch.
Submitted by Mary June,
Railroad Tracks along Clearwater River |
Lolo Pass |
Lenore |
Lowell Cafe |
Stites Public School - 1911 |
Stites Street - July 4th ? |
Stites Street |
Stites Railroad Station |
Stites Baseball Abt.
1910 |
This is believed to
be Stites |
Bridge over
Clearwater River at Stites |